

Generated dynamically with Codemeup

Showcase your code dynamically

Stop updating readmes.
Embed beautiful, customizable code snippets anywhere.

Codemeup - Embed code snippets directly from Github in a blink | Product Hunt
Embed your code in
Save time, focus on what matters
Wherever you want
Let your documentation reflect your code
Seameless integration
Connect to Github and your done!

No recurring subscriptions that you forget to deactivate

Pay once, use it forever.

Keep your documentation up to date

Your code deserves to be showcased in the best way possible.
With Codemeup you render snippets of your code directly into your documentation files.

Let Codemeup sync your documentation and focus on what matters.

📖 Codemeup

Dynamically render code from your repositories and embed it into your documentation.

documentation code render mockup

🚀 Yep, this code is generated dynamically with a single link:

<img src="http://codemeup.dev/api/nuxt/nuxt/render_lines?path=nuxt.config.ts" alt="markdown preview" />

Leverage the API to automate content creation

With the growth of social platforms, the demand of educational videos has been steadily raising.
Leverage the Codemeup API to dynamically write scripts and render code directly from your repositories on demand.

website preview avatar

Hi, I am Matteo 👋

Welcome to my portfolio

This is some cool code I've written 🖥️

website preview mockup

Showcase your code and creations in your portfolio

Codemeup renders code in plain HTML.
Leveraging the various formats, you can embed code directly from your Github account anywhere you want.